
Facebook has finally started rolling out its latest messaging platform, suggesting users to try their upgraded version of messages called 'Social Inbox'.

Not all users have the privilege yet, but Facebook is slowly and steadily introducing this latest feature to all users. With time all of us would have a new Facebook email id...if we choose to. 

"Relatively soon, we'll probably all stop using arbitrary ten digit numbers and bizarre sequences of characters to contact each other. We will just select friends by name and be able to share with them instantly. We aren't there yet, but the changes today are a small step." shares Joel Seligstein, Facebook engineer. 

So, here's an overview of the latest changes that Facebook is about to introduce:

  • As and when this new feature is introduced to your profile, you will see a pop-up window next to messages "See what's new" which will prompt you to activate your new Facebook email address. 
  • Suppose your Facebook URL is facebook.com/abc, your Facebook email id would be abc@facebook.com. 
  • You can choose to use your Facebook email address as your primary inbox and receive email from friends, family, your bank or newsletters; just like any other email service.
  • Anyone without a Facebook account can send you an email on FB.
  • The new messages displays all your Facebook chats, messages and text at one place. 
  • You can view conversation threads from the past within one place. 
  • Facebook has divided messages in to two inboxes, one for all messages from your friends and family and the other for less important messages, like from different groups that you've joined on FB. 
  • Through messages you can send an attachment, an image or a video. 
  • You can also go for text messaging which has to be requested, after which Facebook will send you a confirmation code which will allow you to use texts from your phone pretty much like messages from your inbox.
  • From your account settings you choose to receive messages from your 'friends only'.
"I'm intensely jealous of the next generation who will have something like Facebook for their whole lives. They will have conversation history with the people in their lives all the way back to the beginning: From 'hey nice to meet you' to 'do you want to get coffee sometime' to 'our kids have soccer practice at 6pm tonight'. That's really a cool idea." shares Joel. 

So what do you think, will Facebook's 'Social Inbox' change emailing the way we know it?

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