On Christmas eve when everyone was warm and cozy in their houses, Olek, a crochet artist was out in the Wall Street dressing up the charging bull in bone chilling winters. 

"The crocheted cover represents my best wishes to all of us. It will be a great, prosperous year with many wonderful surprises." she says. 

She arrived at 2:30 in the morning and her hands were continuously working till 6:30am in the company of people passing by and appreciating her hard work.

But then the morning arrived, and within 2 hours the caretaker took the crochet cover off, "the moment i left to get something hot to drink the "caretaker" arrived and "raped" the sculpture with his scissors." shares Olek. She names this project: 'Project B" and believes that this is the most important pieces she's done so far. 

"I wanted to make it for all those people who couldn't make it to their families and for those who don't have coats and don't have any money." she adds. 

An artist from Poland who has a degree in cultural sciences, after moving to New York she discovered her talent-crocheting, and the idea of combining two of her favorite activities, movies and make art. 

Check out the video below how she went about her recent guerrilla art:

Visit Olek's Website.

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