
Helene K. Liatsos, president and founder of The Home Office has worked in the corporate jungle for many years before realizing that working from home can reap equally lucrative results. 

Therefore she started H.O.M.E., Home Office Management Experts and has taken time out of her busy schedule to write a guest post for us. In this post she talks about a young women she met who refuses to even consider the option of working from home. 

As we prepare ourselves to bid 2010 goodbye and embrace 2011, Helene conveys her best wishes for the year to come with a new motto: "I Can Do This".  

I met a young woman last Saturday night...we were in a social setting and we started to chat about this and that...we ultimately got to "what do you do"? She said she worked in Television Production....and I said that I taught people how to work at home. She stated rather intently that she "could never work at home"...I asked her why not...and she said "I need a place to go to...I have go somewhere outside my house...when I am at home, I am at home and I don't want to "work" while I am at home." 

Well, okay...but then she went on about their recent move to the suburbs because they want to start a family, but she still plans to work...work is about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours away in traffic and she works 15 hour days! Her "plan" is to work 3 months and then take 3 months off...work 3 months, take 3 months off....she believes this would be a good balance. I casually mentioned that when children come along we see things differently and most women find it difficult to leave their babies....she flung her shoulders about and said "I don't feel that way - I always plan on working because that is who I am and what I like to do." I then gently asked if "working at home" would be a good balance, as she is in a pretty good position and I'm sure she can accommodate some work that can be done at home.

Well, about this time she got a bit huffy - "NO, that will never work, I need people to see my work quickly and get back to me." So, I backed off and silently asked for some divine assistance for this young woman. 

Yes, of course, there are people who cannot work at home, but she wasn't even interested in exploring the options! I knew of a woman who was in radio broadcasting; she was great at what she did but she just had a baby so she was torn between being at work and being at home. Her station loved her and didn't want to lose her, so they built a mini-station in the basement of her home, about an hour away from the broadcasting studio....she loved it! She did her show, she did her paperwork and she played with her baby afterwards. She did go into the city for meetings and follow-ups, but for the most part she worked out of her basement...how great is that! With today's technology, you can do practically anything from home on a highly professional level....it just takes initiative, it takes daring and it takes the mentality of : I CAN DO THIS! So, let's make that our new motto for the New Year ahead....I CAN DO THIS in 2011! 

Helene :) 
Home Office Management Expert

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