In the prequel of this post we mentioned some of the most popular posts in our 'Lists', 'How-tos' and 'Products' categories, in this article we will be highlighting some of most well received interviews of merchants, photographer, developer and even a therapist. It also contains the best posts from our fun section called 'E-scientist Finds' where we publish all kinds of crazy yet applaudable stuff; we're sure you'l love learning about some of the most talented artists we've mentioned in the past as well.

Hope you enjoy reading them as much as we've enjoyed writing about them. :)


Interview With David DuChemin, A Humanitarian and World Photographer

"Vision is the beginning and end of photography" believes David DuChemin, a world and humanitarian photographer, best-selling author and educator.

His humanitarian projects and world photography assignments have taken him places like Peru, India, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Uganda, Nepal, Rwanda, Iceland and many many more where he creates stories from his camera.

David was very kind to take some time out for a small interview with us...read more.

Interview With Kai Miller: Creator Of Fleces.com

Feces made out of fleece is Fleces, also known as Poo Pillows. Kai Miller, creator of Fleces.com came up with this fascinating idea in midst of decorating a nursery for his soon to be born baby and before he knew it, Fleces was up and running.

Fleces are adorable poo pillows that come in various shapes and sizes that relate to different texture and variety of actual poo. When we learnt about Fleces we couldn't stop ourselves from learning more about this truly unique idea and therefore we contacted the brain behind this concept.

Kai, who is also a programmer was very kind to spare some time to answer couple of our questions. Read further to learn more about Kai and his latest entrepreneurial endeavor.

Interview With Creator of Shelf Luv: Pek Pongpaet

Shelf Luv, inspired by Google Instant is an application created for the love of books where one can instantly search Amazon's bookstore. It is a beautifully presented simple instant search application that can be pleasantly surprise you with its suggestions.

Pek Pongpaet, developer behind Shelf Luv has won himself an award at Hackathon Contest for creating the best application. He has been very kind to find the time to answer couple of our curious questions. Read further to learn more about this talented designer and developer.

Interview With Sarah Chambers: Helping You Find Missing Peace

Sarah Chambers, a Precision Therapist (conscious self-hypnosis therapist) with decades of experience decided to step into the eCommerce world so that she can help those who are unable to see her face to face.

Therefore, she created a unique set of therapeutic audios like 'Healing Emotional Dependency', 'Leave Anxiety Behind', 'Emotional Healing', 'Emergence of Self' and many more that helps in finding missing peace.

Sarah took out some time from her busy schedule to answer couple of our questions, read further to learn more about a truly inspirational therapist.


Amazing Shadow Art By Tim Noble & Sue Webster

Tim Noble & Sue Webster, is an English duo who create unique shadow art from objects found in the garbage.

Partners in real life and art, they create illusions that seems like a pile of garbage without appropriate lighting. They collect rubbish from the streets and arrange them in such a way that their shadow created an illusion that cannot be conceived by looking directly at the pile.

Apart from regular garbage on the streets their art also consists of materials like studio debris and taxidermy animals. When they originally started, their art work was inspired by an Egyptian culture, according to which Gods could take form of animals, therefore their mummified form are offered back to the Gods. Read More.

Dalton Ghetti: A Pencil Tip Artist

When it comes to crafting, patience is required not only as a virtue but as a character in the artist.

Dalton Ghetti is the perfect example of pure talent executed with utmost patience. One of his artwork has taken up to two and a half years to finish, he works on tiny little leads on pencils and carves the graphite with a razor blade, sewing needle and sculpting knife; without any use of magnifying glass at all.

Read further to draw inspiration from one-of-a-kind artist.

Typewriter Art By Keira Rathbone

Keira Rathbone, an artist from London started experimenting with her typewriter as a fresh college student, little did she know that her fetish for typewriters and clickety-clack sound will win her admiration from many and introduce a whole new art form to the world.

She uses different characters to create the shapes she wanted, she has created some very detailed portraits of Barrack Obama, Kate Moss, Marylin Monroe and many others.

Click here to see some of many creations by Keira and a video featuring her and her beloved typewriter.

Dark Art By Jessica Harrison

Welcome to the dark side!

Jessica Harrison, a British artist has a somewhat creepy fascination towards body parts and presents it in the most spooky way. Her intriguing creativity has a very unique style of showcasing a contrast between beautiful ceramic sculptures, and skulls, blood and guts.

"Through making and sharing these objects, I am hoping to provoke questions in the observer about how their body fits into the space around it, how space adapts and changes due to our bodies, how things are filtered and communicated through touch." she explains.

Have a look at her zombified sculptures that will blow your mind away.


Pet Rock: A Multi Million Idea

If you've seen the famous movie Castaway, you'll surely remember Tom Hank's buddy Wilson, the volleyball. For those who haven't, Wilson was Tom Hank's only friend in a deserted island. Pet Rock is a much older and somewhat similar concept...it is a rock that is your pet.

Back in 1975, Gary Dahl, an advertising executive invented pet rock when he tired of the while hassle of keeping an actual pet and also wanted to prove that if you market it right, you can sell just about anything. He made millions by selling a rock with a book of instructions. Read More.

The Fun Theory

When we have a choice between taking the stairs or the escalator, most of us would choose the latter. For many people, disposing the trash inside the trash bin or around it means more or less the same thing.

The Fun Theory aims to improve such behavior among people by adding the element of fun in simple deeds that may help in improving the environment or one's health. Some ideas have proven to be quite effective in inculcating some basic civic sense in people. An initiative by Volkswagen who describe this project as "thoughts, ideas and inventions that help prove the fun theory. That fun is the easiest way to change people's behavior for the better." Read more and see more videos here.

We hope you enjoyed our assortment of 'Most popular posts', if you wish to subscribe to our blog you can do so through this link, you can find us on Facebook here and Twitter here.

Wishing all our wonderful readers a very happy and a fantastic New Year. :)

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