
Christmas is round the corner and we couldn't stop ourselves from thinking about numerous trees that'll fall this festive season. We've always appreciated artists, bloggers or merchants who believe and practice recycling, and come up with interesting and sometimes bizarre environmentally friendly products or services. 

So here is our list of some truly unique Christmas trees that are either made of our recycled products or carry a noble message.

Mountain Dew Christmas Tree

This tree is made from approximately 400 Mountain Dew cans which took 3 months of soda drinking and 4 days in building. (Link)

Shopping Cart Christmas Tree

"The shopping cart tree symbolizes both generosity and abundance, as well as acknowledging those less fortunate where their whole world may be housed in a cart. We see shopping carts everyday and take them for granted. individually the beauty if an everyday object may become invisible, but in quantity you can't miss it." explains Anthony Schmitt, the artist behind this beautiful Christmas tree. (Link)

Traffic Light Christmas Tree

This unusual tree is situated in one of London's financial districts containing 75 sets of lights and is a traffic control roundabout. This tree is a replacement of one of three plane trees on the roundabout that was chocking to death due to pollution, not only does it highlight pollution problem in the city but also reflects its bustling surroundings. "The changing pattern of the lights reveals and reflects the never ending rhythm of the surrounding domestic, financial and commercial activities." describes Pierre Vivant, the sculptor of this symbolic tree. (Link)

Christmas Tree By DesignPack Gallery

DesignPack Gallery launched an event in Paris with the purpose of motivating people to recycle plastic bottles. They placed various installations of recycled Christmas tree in the city and also designed a cardboard structure for make-at-home recycled Christmas tree. (Link)

Christmas Tree Made From Hard Drive Parts


Christmas Tree Harnessing Bicycle Energy

"Opened in Piazza Maggiore (Italy), the tree turned green thanks to the energy released by the action of 12 bicycles." (Link)

Card Board Christmas Tree


Recycled Water Bottles Christmas Tree

This massive Christmas Tree is made from recycled 5 gallon water bottles. (Link)

The Bicycle Christmas Tree

This bicycle recycled Christmas Tree is created by 'The Rock' a transportation company in Sydney. This tree is made from recycled parts of up to 100 bicycles and stands approximately seven meters tall and took eight weeks to design and build. (Link)

1000 Beer Bottles Christmas Tree

Seen in a mall in Shanghai, this humongous Christmas tree is made with 1000 Heineken beer bottles. (Link)

Hope these creative Christmas trees will inspire you to practice recycling. Merry Christmas everyone. :)

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