Jay Shafer founded Tumbleweed Tiny House Company in the 90's and has been building tiny houses ever since. He himself has been living in a 89 square feet house, he believes in simple and basic lifestyle; apart from being economical, the impact of larger houses on the environment inspired him to build a house that meets all his domestic needs .
Jay built his first house in 1997 and called it Tumbleweed, with the gaining interest in tiny houses concept he started his own company and has never looked back since.
"I have been living in a house smaller than some people’s closets. I do not want to maintain a lot of unused or unusable space. My houses have met all of my domestic needs without demanding much in return. The simple, slower lifestyle my homes have afforded is a luxury for which I am continually grateful." says Jay.
"I have been living in a house smaller than some people’s closets. I do not want to maintain a lot of unused or unusable space. My houses have met all of my domestic needs without demanding much in return. The simple, slower lifestyle my homes have afforded is a luxury for which I am continually grateful." says Jay.
Jay Shafer, has become an inspiration and has built quite a reputation for himself, he has been featured in Fox, NBC, CBS, Oprah, NYT, Yahoo Second Act Video Originals,Wall Street Journal and Times Magazine apart from regular appearances in various other television and radio shows.
Tumbleweed's customers can either choose to buy a ready-made house or opt to construct their home themselves. If the customer chooses to build their house, then Tumbleweed provides detailed step by step instructions and promises that a tiny house can be build by anyone by utilizing merely 14 tools.
"Many of our customers had never built a house before. Zoey, a single mom in Washington, built her Tumbleweed from scratch." claims Tumbleweed.
Jay has also published a book called "The Small House Book" which consists of 22 different small home plans and ensures that anyone have have their very own tiny house in less than $20,000 if they follow the instructions in the book carefully.
Jay has inspired many to adopt a simple living lifestyle and environmentalists are happy since it encourages micro house living thereby having a negligible affect on earth. The idea of mobility of a house has appealed many more customers to own a vacation home while on the move.

Jay's Tiny House concept is a dream come true for me. At 52, It may just be the answer to my prayers as to how and where I will live out the rest of my life. Rather than dreading the thought of the next 20+ years, I'm actually excited! I can't wait to get the rest of my life started -- with a tiny house!
A very cool dream instead. We're currently working on a tiny house as well over @ http://www.blakestinyhouse.com/ Please check us out and give us some feedback as we're looking to create an ongoing design dialog with the entire online community.
The Blake's Tiny House Team