Last week we'd compiled a list of some cool features that Gmail brings for its users, but that one list wasn't suffice to contain many more awesome tips and tricks that can help you in enhancing your emailing experience.
We'd promised to provide you with a sequel, so here it is. Have look at these features and choose the ones that you deem necessary as per your requirements or preferences.
Gmail Notifier
Are you tired of checking your Gmail inbox time and again? If yes, then Gmail Notifier is the answer, it is an application that sends you alerts/pop-ups as and when you receive new emails. It not only notifies you but also shows subjects, senders and snippets through a task bar icon along with a notification sound, you can also delete or archive mail through notifier. Gmail Notifier is compatible with Windows and Mac operating systems only. You can download this application from here.
Multiple Inboxes
Gmail allows you to setup multiple inboxes, which can be viewed as multiple panes in the same Gmail window. In order to segregate emails you need to assign labels or searches for each pane. In case you have setup multiple emails in one account, you can setup and view each account's mail in separate panes. In order to use this feature, simply go to 'Gmail Labs' and enable "Multiple Inboxes"; you can create up to five different panes.
Rich Text Signature
This feature has been introduced recently by Gmail, wherein you can have your own rich text signature instead of simple text. It allows you to include images, links, change colors or font size in accordance your company or brand. To enable this feature, go to "General" tab in your settings and scroll down where you will find a new signature editor which will allow you to have your own customized signature.
Picasa and Flickr Previews
When you receive an email with images, you need to open a new window in order to view those images which can get annoying or time consuming at times. With this feature you can easily view Picasa and/or Flickr images within Gmail. To activate this feature, click on 'Labs' and locate "Picasa previews in mail" and "Flickr previews in mail" and simply enable them.
Google Maps
Often we receive emails with addresses or locations, and in order to locate them we need to open a separate window for Google search, but with this feature you can see maps of all the addresses that you receive within Gmail. You simply have to enable "Google Maps previews in mail" from "Labs" section under settings. So whenever you receive a mail with an address or Google Map link, you will be able to view a map below your email; however currently this feature extracts U.S. addresses only and hopefully will be introducing it for the rest of the world as well.
Offline Mode
There may be times that while working on a mail, your internet may loose connectivity, or there may be times when you have to work from a place without any connection at all. Therefore Gmail's offline mode allows you to continue working on your mails and Gmail will automatically send the mail as an when you get connected. Upon activating this feature from "Labs" sections Gmail downloads a local cache of your mail and synchronizes with Gmail servers while you're connected.
Mail Goggles
Sometimes we end up sending emails that we regret later, specially late at night during the weekends. When you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that if you are really sure to send that mail at a late night on a Friday (to your boss or ex-girlfriend/boyfriend for example). It will make you solve some simple mathematical problems to ensure that you are in the right state of mind. You can enable this feature from the "Labs" section which is by default active on late nights during weekends when you are most likely to need it.
We hope that these features will help you in having a better emailing experience. Do share you feedbacks or views with us and if you know about some more cool features, then please feel free to drop in a message below.

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