Have you been using Gmail for your business or personal use?
If yes, then you must check out these cool features that you may be unaware of; if no, then check them out anyway, you might find something that interests you because let me assure you that Gmail is not just any other mailing service. After all search engine giant Google is the mastermind behind it.
So here are some very useful Gmail tips and tricks that will surely help you in managing your emails effectively:
Drag & Drop Attachments:
While composing a message, Gmail enables you to drag your attachment(s) from your desktop directly into the message box without having to first choose a file and then uploading it. Although this feature is compatible with Chrome and Mozilla Firefox only.
Attachment Reminder
Many a times, while sending an email with an attachment we forget to actually attach the file. In case you do forget and your message contains words like "I've attached" or "See attached", then as soon as you hit the 'send' button, Gmail will pop-up a message notifying you that "It seems that you might have forgotten to attach files".
Undo Feature
Whether its a Word Document or my favorite game Solitaire, I simply love the undo concept. Gmail too has incorporated this feature and allows you to retrieve an email which you might have sent in a hurry (sometimes to the wrong person) or realized that you need to make certain changes.
If you regret sending an email too quickly, then Gmail provides you with "Undo Send" button, although it is visible only for a few seconds after sending the mail.
Your Account Security
Are you concerned that your account might be accessed by somebody else? Then look for "Details" button at the end of the page that not only provides you with your last visit information, but also lets you know about your latest 10 sessions along with the browser used, location, time, duration and IP address.
Web Clip
Did you know that you can view entries from your favorite blogs or websites directly from your inbox? Simply go to 'settings' and click on 'Web Clips' and enter the URL or a topic of your choice and you will be able to see latest articles from your favorite site right above your inbox.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Many of us prefer using the keyboard over a mouse, it sure makes the whole process a lot faster. Gmail too provides you with a huge list of keyboard shortcuts that you can easily enable from the 'General' section in your Gmail settings. Although it might take a while before getting use to it, but with time it will come naturally to you.
Managing Multiple Accounts
Most of us juggle through multiple email accounts, and Gmail allows you to integrate them easily and enabling you to view and reply to mail from just one Gmail address. From the 'Settings' section, click on "Accounts" and add other accounts by clicking "add another email id that you own".
Suppose you have two email accounts: x@gmail.com and y@gmail.com, even when you add the former account with the latter you will still be able to send emails as x@gmail.com from y@gmail.com.
We have couple of more such cool Gmail features that you might like, but you will have to wait for a sequel to this post :). In the meanwhile you can try out "Labs" section with your Gmail's settings which has some very cool features that are still in their experimental phase; while you are at it do check out "Old Snakey" in case you wish to kill some time by playing a game of snake from the main page ;).
And yes, do let us know if you find these tips to be useful.
UPDATE: If you are unable to see the 'undo' feature, then you need go to the "Lab" section in your settings and enable it. To view the "undo" button's placement in Gmail, check out this image.
UPDATE: If you are unable to see the 'undo' feature, then you need go to the "Lab" section in your settings and enable it. To view the "undo" button's placement in Gmail, check out this image.

hey cool post! I did not know about the drag and drop feature and it sure is pretty nifty. It is a boon for all of us who have to routinely attach files to our emails. Could not see the Undo Send button though. Could anybody comment on that?
Thank you. For the "undo" feature, check out the update in the above post.