While you are on your Twitter homepage, what tempts you to click on a specific link mentioned on a tweet?
While screening your News Feed on Facebook, what makes you comment on a particular post over others?
There is just one reason: Compelling headlines.
Although content is still the king, but in order to direct people to read through the entire post, you need to lure them with an interesting and irresistible headline. Try to put yourself in your readers shoes while writing a headline, and ask yourself, that if you would have seen this line somewhere, would you make an effort to read the whole article.
Bottom line is that, no matter how wonderfully structured and informative your content is, if you don't have a perfect headline, no one will ever know.
So, go through below mentioned points which will help you in coming up with 'click-worthy' headlines and drive more traffic to your site/blog:
Direct Headlines:
These are simple, to-the-point headlines that say exactly what an article has to offer. No cleverness, no attempts to be funny and no double meanings to it. Example: "Defining SEO", it simply says that the article is focused on explaining basics of SEO.
Indirect Headlines:
These headlines can use metaphors or double meaning, thereby creating curiosity in a reader's mind to check out what exactly the article is all about. Example: "Indulging In Sinful Temptations", while this could have numerous meanings to it, whereas the article was about a chocolate company which provides customized chocolates to its customers.
Command Headlines:
These headlines tells the readers what they should or should not do, mostly it is the first word of the line that is the strongest point. Example: "Sell Online Now". You could use reverse psychology as well, example: "Kill You Blog By Committing These Mistakes".
Question Headlines:
These headlines ask simple questions from their readers, but while crafting question headlines you must keep in mind that the response of that question should not be 'no'. Therefore, rather than 'Do You', 'Have you', try questions starting with 'Why'. Example: "Why some Facebook Pages Have More Than 5000 fans?". You could ask provocative questions, example: "Do You Make These Mistakes While Crafting Your Headlines?".
How-To Headlines:
These headlines makes it easier for your potential readers to have an idea about what they will be learning from your article. It is one of the most successful way of crafting a headline and almost never fails. Example: Headline of this article :).
Testimonial Headlines:
Testimonial headlines portray credibility, but one has to ensure that such headlines are not misleading. It is a very effective form of headline, but if misused then it can easily backfire. It lets your readers know that people are talking about your product or service. Example: "I Love The Way XYZ Handles Their Customers" Says Steve Jobs.
Guarantee Headlines
Such headlines promises certain benefits or uses to its readers, it guarantees a desirable result if potential readers goes through the entire article by boosting about it in the headline. Example: "Loose 10 kgs In 10 days" or "Participate In This Contest And Win A Guaranteed Price".
Number Headlines/List Headlines
"A headline with numbers in it will yield more traffic than a headline without" says Brandon Cox. Number headlines is very effective because it explains how the article is structured and the fact that the entire post will be specific and easy to browse through. Example: " 10 Greatest Bloggers Of All Time" or "10 Most Innovative Advertisements".
Assumed Headlines:
These headlines are based on presumptions from the writer's point of view, basically the article is targeted towards those readers who may fall in a particular category or segment. The article aims to provide solutions or tips for target readers or people. Example: "Why You Must Quit Smoking Now" or "10 Ways To Loose That Extra Weight".
Compelling Words:
There is a huge list of words that tempts your readers to click on "read more" button, such as:
-The Secret of...
-Staggering Evidence of...
-Here's A Quick Way To...
-Myths Debunked...
-Worst... and many more.
Try any of the above mentioned formulas, and I am sure it will help you in coming up with intelligent and tempting headlines.
Many believe that it is essential to write the headline before writing the post, whereas many advocate writing a title after finishing the body of the article. What method do you choose and why?

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