One person made the effort by researching thousands of pages, he juggled around with numerous statistics and mind boggling numbers ; and finally came up with an ingenious product called 'Death & Taxes'.
Jess Bachman designates 2 months every year to research and study various facts and details pertaining to United States federal Budget. He then creates a highly informative and easily comprehensible poster of the budget. So basically Death and Taxes is a visual guide to where your federal tax dollars go.
"Thousands of pages of raw data have been boiled down to one poster that provides the most open and accessible record of our nations' spending you will ever find. If you pay taxes, then you have paid a small part of everything in the poster." says Jess.
Jess is a professional graphic designer, and has been selling these posters since 2007; he runs a website called wallstats.com and apart from his signature Death and Taxes posters, he sells many interesting and informational posters and designs like: '389 years ago' (a typographic mashup of 400 years of black American history), ' A guide to Unemployment rate', 'Visual Guide to Financial Crisis', 'A Year in Beer: Annual Beer Consumption' and many more.
Death & Taxes has been very intelligently designed, in spite of its detailed information of over 500 departments the poster is surprisingly easy to navigate. The size of the circles on the poster relates to the size of money spent on that particular department. The graphics on the poster makes it all the more easier to understand.
We also noticed that apart from affiliate programs, Jess markets Death & Taxes through giveaways as well.
What we loved the most about Death & Taxes is that, it's a result of guy's creativity combined with his will to inform his fellow citizens about one of the most important and detailed piece of information in a 24"x36" poster.

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