Remember our post " 10 Business Cards That Speak For Themselves"?
In addition to them we've found two more business cards that are equally creative and unique.
Kevin Mitnick

What could be more apt than distributing a Lock Pick business card for himself? Receiver of this card can very conveniently disintegrate the card and use it as a lock picking tool (legally of course). With gaining popularity of this business card, Kevin sells them on his website for those who wish to try 'em out.
Ramiro Pareja Veredas

As you can see in the image, the card can very easily be used as a USB connector by removing its two corners. Once the card is connected to a computer, it automatically opens his résumé , cover letter, portfolio, website or any other information.
"The firmware uses the internal flash of the microcontroller, so the capacity of the mass storage unit is only 24 KB max. Enough to put a cover letter and resume in HTML." says Ramiro.
Who needs a hard copy anyways, when you can very conveniently store that contact info on your computer. A true telecommunication engineer indeed.

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