I mean we hardly mean it when we say (rather type) brb...most of us are just looking for an excuse. It is such lies that has been wittily shared by Barber through his posters. Here's what he has to say:
"This humorous poster series takes some of the most common, everyday lies we tell ourselves and hear from others, and bluntly translates them into the unequivocal truth. By visually representing the difference in what we often say but secretly mean, Truth and Lies uncovers the inane conversational nuances that reveal paradoxical dichotomies in our otherwise ordinary life. In other words, this is what you say, but (this is what you mean) - and we all know it."
Check them out below:
Here are few more interesting poster series that you might wanna checkout:
Minimalist Music Video Posters
Social Media Propaganda Posters
If Movies Posters Told The Truth
Minimalist Fairy Tale Posters
I love these, especially the alarm clock one!