Advertising is more than simply advertising your product/service these days, the art of persuasion has come a long way since the first paid advertisement way back in 1936.

Jef I. Richard once said, "Creative without strategy is called 'art'. Creative with strategy is called 'advertising'." Creativity has taken the front seat in the world of advertising, be it a television ad or a print ad, a billboard ad or my favorite form of advertising: guerrilla marketing.

Call me crazy, but I am one of those people who makes an effort to check out all the latest ads. Only because, I've realized that you can learn a lot about being creative through these ads and I love the way some companies use 'sense of humor' as their selling point. You will be surprised how some advertisements manage to inspire you as well. So let's have a look at some award winning ads of 2011:

McDonald's Fries: Fry Lights

Kvällspressen Impact: A really unalternative media, Stairs

WWF: Circle of Life

Shera Sound Proof Windows: Living Room

NFS (Dutch Stutter Foundation): Stutter billboard

Bröker Security Systems: Burglars, Horn.

Fluff & Stuff Cookies: "Your inner desires. Right in the middle. 

Sheildtox Naturgard: "Natural Protection"

TopGear Magazine: "Paul Johnson just check in @ bottom of the river Thames. Driving and social
media just don't mix."
Diamond Coffee: "When everyone depends on you to stay awake."

Volkswagen: "The 'Rear Assist' rear-view camera."
United Nations: Forest In Flames

HotWheels: Curl

IT Works Fingerprint Security System: Home

FedEx: "Always First"

Heineken: "Social Networking since 1873."

Batelco Directory: Hospital

Lebeau Auto Glass: "Fast Repairs"

Asonor Anti-Snoring: "Give Back His Dreams"

HotWheels: "Speeding Ticket"

Bose: "Noise Cancelling Headphones."

FedEx: "From China to Australia"

Thai Health: "Sleepiness Is Stronger Than You: Don't Drive Sleepy"

Amnesty International: "Looking Through Bar Hurts"

Microsoft XBox 360 Kinetic: "Couple Contortionist"

Historica-Dominion Institute: "Remember 11/11/11"

TopGear Magazine: "Back Seat Belts: they're there for a reason."

So which of these ads are your favorite? I am sure there has to be more than one. Share with us in the comment section below.

Source: AdsOfTheWorld.com

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