
This is a Guest Post by Onibalusi Bamidele. Onibalusi is a 17 year old blogger who teaches people how to write for traffic and money. Make sure you read his article on how to make quick cash.

There are a total of 152 million blogs in the blogosphere as of 2010 and this number keeps on increasing significantly every day. Is it a work at home mom looking for a way to build an online business or a powerful company looking for a way to expand its reach? Blogging is easily accessible to all and sundry and as a result more and more people are starting to create a blog every day.

The fact that there are 152 million blogs is quite impressive, and the fact that hundreds of thousands of new blogs are created everyday is stunning! The problem however is that a very large percentage of these blogs are abandoned a few months after they are started and that can be attributed to the failure of the blogger to achieve his/her expectations.

One of the major reasons why many people blog is to gain exposure and build a business and they believe it is as simple as writing great content, submitting a few guest posts and expecting the money to come – it would have been that easy if you were doing it in 2004 but things have changed a lot and there is now so much competition that marketing needs a new approach.

The Importance of Customer Retention

If you ask many people why they think their blog will succeed they will tell you it is because they write great content and know how to drive traffic.

I had to realize this the hard way, but building a successful blog isn’t only about writing great content and marketing your blog, it is about learning to retain a large percentage of those who come by your blog.

For example if your main approach for marketing your blog is guest blogging, if you get an average of 100 'unique' visitors from every single guest post you write and you decide to write 30 guest posts – at the end of the day that will be 3,000 visitors. If your visitor retention rate is 50% you will be able to retain around 1500 of those 3,000 visitors, but if your customer retention rate is 5% you will only be able to retain 150 of those visitors. If you calculate that you will easily realize that effectively marketing a blog isn’t about trying to get a lot of traffic, but about retaining a large percentage of those who discover your blog.

The important marketing question now isn’t how do I get a lot of people to visit my blog? It is how do I retain a large percentage of those who come by my blog?

Below are a few things you can tweak on your blog to help you retain more of those people who come by your blog.

Your USP:

Just like you noticed in the stats I used to open this article, there is way too much competition for people to give the heck about your blog so you need to ask yourself, why would I want to read my blog instead of that of my competitors? You need to provide a unique and sincere answer to this question, and if possible you should get the help of an expert to help you figure this out.

Your Design:

Content no doubt really is king but your design is just as important as your content. A good design makes it very easy for people to visit your blog and come back to read it again by making it easy for first time readers to subscribe, by making it easy for the search engines to understand the structure of your site and by making it easy for readers to share your content. A good design also makes it easy for you to incorporate your brand into your blog and that is why it is very important for you to step out from using free themes and hire a designer to code something better for you. The more unique and different your blog looks to readers, the more likely you will be able to get them to stay.

Your Content:

Since you’ve figured out, and made clear, why your blog is different from that of others and since you’ve invested into a good design so as to ensure your blog stands out for readers another important thing you should focus your efforts on is your content. The more you write based on your personal experience and results the more readers are likely to connect and stay with you. Your content is a very important aspect of your blog and it is what will make the difference in readers staying or not as soon as they are able to connect with your brand it is very important for you to invest more efforts into giving the best of your content. Don’t obsess over updating your blog with filler content consistently; instead, focus your energy into writing epic content your readers can relate to.

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2 Responses to 'What You Need to Know before Marketing Your Blog'

  1. Frank DeFelice, Ph.D. Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-you-need-to-know-before-marketing.html?showComment=1314385497295#c5494685394816490373'> August 26, 2011 at 12:04 PM

    The front cover of my forthcoming ebook: WHAT ALL AMERICANS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ECONOMICS has a list of 12 of the currently most discussed macro-economics issues -prioritized; so it starts with "The solution to the entitlements problem with no new taxes or benefits cuts". Two things bother me about this approach: does everybody know what the "entitlements problem" is?
    And people would have to know that I am a MBA, Ph.D. Financial Economist, published in "Learned Journals", author of a Finance book, and maybe further credentials before
    considering it worthwhile to read that solution, n'est-ce-pas? Told my editor to change that to ; How to fund SS and Medicare with no new taxes and no benefits cuts. Is that better? Does everybody know what SS stands for? Of course my credentials are on the back cover of the book, but those facts need to be known BEFORE purchase of the book, right? After is says "ex-SEC Registered Broker/Dealer and Invesment Advisor", it says "Businessman", but I had the editor change that to ""Entrepreneur", which I think is better, but I have friends that do not know what and entrepreneur is! After that i have "Millionaire" and I know many people do not know the exact definition of that term. the last item on the back page says "Presidential Advisor". Will people want to know which President I advised?


  2. Swapan Das Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-you-need-to-know-before-marketing.html?showComment=1314444176338#c7649609705547700025'> August 27, 2011 at 4:22 AM

    e-junkie, Thanks a lot for introducing Onibalusi Bamidele to us! I was not aware of this amazing blogger.

    e-junkie, -you people are doing excellent job - can understand you people are more inclined towards arts & crafts and you people do come up with excellent posts on these subjects. It its your main niche, then no issues otherwise would say I feel you people sometimes overdo it. Would request to come up with something related to life & people in India - rural & urban.... - please take it as a humble suggestion/opinion - I really do like your site and the work you are doing.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Swapan Das
    Join me @ Google+


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