We have featured some of the most creative posters on our blog, the variety ranges from WTF posters to music philosophy, from movie posters to social media propoganda...But what about the kids? These days its kinda hard to find something that is witty and creative without being explicit.

Visual News (one of my favorite blogs) recently featured minimalist posters for children created by Christian Jackson, and I was instantly taken down the memory lane. Christian has ingeniously created simple designs that speak volumes about those bed-time classics that we've grown with.

Christian is a designer who believes that, "I'm forced to be a designer by nature, but it makes me feel better to say that it's by choice."

Christian's 'Children's Story Posters' series consists of fairy tales like, Alice In Wonderland, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, The Pied Piper and many more. Check them out in the images below:

These posters can be bought for $21.35 from Imagekind. You can also buy them as iPhone skins for $15.

Visit Christian's website squareinchdesign.com for more information.

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