Although social networking sites are mostly about people you know, other than Twitter of course where you'd rather interact with people you don't know. But Google Plus lets you interact with a mix of people that you know and people you would like to share selected information with.

I have not renamed Google's default 'Following' circle, but then its a pain to find the right users who won't keep spamming your stream every now and then.

The only people I'm following on Google Plus are +Aaron Wood, because he creates some truly awesome Google Plus icons and social media posters. And the other is +Pete Cashmore, not just because he's the founder of Mashable, but because he shares some of the best tips and sources for Google Plus. Rest everyone I know on Google Plus fall in my friends, family, online buddies or people I should ignore circles. ;)

But the other day I stumbled on this site called recommendedusers.com, a crowdsourcing site that suggests a whole lot of people that you can follow, based on your interests.

Created by +Alireza YavariRecommended Users is an unofficial Google+ recommended users site. Alireza is a creative designer and UX designer with DesignStudio23 who has created a neat website with Google Plus users categorized into:

  • Artists and Designers.
  • Bloggers
  • Podcasters
  • Women in Tech
  • Featured Users
  • Photographers
  • Web Celebrities
  • Most Followed People
  • Journalists
  • Tech Entrepreneurs
  • Authors & Writers
  • Web Developers
  • Web Designers
  • Top Googlers
  • Wall of Fame
  • LGBT
  • VCs & Angel Investors 
  • Foodies
So it basically covers variety of areas, and is open to new suggestions as well. 

For Google Plus enthusiasts, I recommend that you should check out Alireza's blog as well where he shares fun stuff that he finds on G+.

And if you know of some interesting +Google users, then please let me know in the comment section below.

For those who have not joined Google Plus yet can let me know so that I can send you an invite. :)
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