See the image in your left and you will be amazed by the excellent realism in this painting. They look as if they are photographed but actually they are painted. Hats off to JKB Fletcher who spells magic on his canvas with oil paints to create aesthetically sensual paintings. Originally from UK, he has recently moved to Australia to search for a new culture influence to his work.

"My Paintings address questions of whether photorealism is anything more than a photograph with oil based paint. Using ‘reality’ and sensuality to provoke thoughts and sensations of physicality and beauty", shares the artist on his website.

All of his paintings are one one-of-a-kind and I am sure his work will take him a long way and fetch him a lot of appreciation and love.

Let's talk to him about his work and a bit about his artistic journey:

JKB, please introduce yourself to E-junkies. Tell us a bit about your background.

I'm from Redditch in the Midlands UK. I studied at Duncan of Jordanstone School of Art in Dundee, Scotland. I did a study abroad program to San Diego where I met my girlfriend Tianna who is an Australian and I moved to Australia to be with her. I've always enjoyed drawing and painting and seemed to have a natural ability to record my surroundings. I have been using oil paints for over 10 years now and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

What influences the artist within you?

I enjoy learning about philosophy and psychology, and I've always had a keen interest in sport which translated into an interest with the human body.

Did you always want to become a painter? Can you recall any incident that made you realize that you're meant to be an extraordinary artist?

There was no defining moment for me, or at least not one that I can remember. I was brought up under the philosophy that you should respect your talents and I had one for drawing, painting and sculpting so it was quite a natural progression.

Your paintings are so realistic and sensually beautiful. Would you like to describe your creative work process?

I usually start with a rough idea in my mind as to what I want the painting to look like, I sketch it out and book in a model. With the superhero themed work I will paint face paints directly onto the model, ask her to strike the pose and I'll go crazy with the camera until I've found what I'm looking for. When looking for the image I will crop the photos down to a square as I always paint on square canvases. I often find one or two I like, if I don't, I do the shoot again, then I paint from the photo. I recently found out that Marilyn Minter and other photorealists were using projectors to scale up their images which I've just started to do myself and I have to say it's saving about 3 or 4 days of work which is awesome!

Though all your projects look awesome but I loved your 'Dirty Faces' project. I am keen to know more about it.

The 'Dirty Faces' project came about as a result of two projects I was working on. One was my 'In the Flesh' series which explored the human physic in a very tactile, sensual and physical way. And, the other was the 'Hero Face' project which displayed famous western contemporary superheroes on popular adverts and magazines; this questioned the idea behind idealism, aspiration and inspiration. The combination was an interesting way to explore all of those themes together.

Let's have a rapid fire:

One painting tool you can't do without?


Music you listen to while working?

Anything from Tchaikovsky to Tool

Tea or coffee?

English mate

Who/what is your greatest strength?


The best thing about being an artist is?

The money, ha ha.

One artist you admire the most?

Van Gogh

Which project by you is closest to your heart?

The current project I am working on 'Dirty Faces' would have to be closest to my heart as it is a collection of everything I have ever painted about. There is a painting 'Flash' from the 'In the Flesh' series which I have always been reluctant to sell, as it was quite a technical accomplishment at the time I painted it and I have grown attached to it.

In The Flesh Series:

Share one best compliment you've ever received for your work.

Two of my favorites 'Paints like God himself' and 'You're just a pervert, still living in your childhood'.

What would you advise a budding artist?

There are no rules, so anything goes, but don't use that as an excuse to not educate yourself and, know the difference.

And a final word for our readers?

Be interested, not just interesting!!

The interview ends up here with a deep advice by you JKB. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and journey with us. It was a pleasure! We look forward to more paintings by you.

Check out JKB Fletecher's website.

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2 Responses to 'Interview With JKB Fletcher, An Artist Known For His Sensually Beautiful Paintings'

  1. https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-jkb-fletcher-artist.html?showComment=1313145028357#c3406307445995273232'> August 12, 2011 at 3:30 AM

    Lovely pictures truly artistic I'm now a fan of JKB!


  2. Ejunkieblog Said,
    https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/08/interview-with-jkb-fletcher-artist.html?showComment=1313484680237#c8251262471509973665'> August 16, 2011 at 1:51 AM

    Hi Jack, Catarina's work sure is pretty interesting...thanks for sharing with us. And we hope you'll some more inspiration when you come back. :)


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