Australia based Denis Smith is a true genius who has added a new flavor in Photography. He specializes in Ball Of Light Photography that spells magic and beauty. When I first encountered his work, my mind was overflowing with questions as to how the hell does he do it? What's the science behind it and many more. Though I got all my answers, but my quest to learn more about Denis and his artistic life didn't end there.

And finally, today we have with us Denis Smith who very humbly agreed for an interview with us. Catch it below with some of the splendid works by Denis:

Denis, let's start with a brief introduction of yours.

I am a Kiwi that has taken up Australia as a new home. Drawn here by my lovely wife who was born here in Adelaide. I took up photography two years ago as part of a real shift in my lifestyle. I made the decision to base my life less on money and "stuff" and more on working on myself as a human and caring more for those around me.

You are called as a new master of light and exposure photography. That's wow! How does it feel?

It feels wonderful, humbling and exciting all in one. I still really consider my photography as a hobby. I don't put too much pressure on myself to be a master. I just go out and do what feels right.

How did 'Ball of Light' happen to you? How did the creative idea strike to you?

When I first started taking photos I was just wandering around shooting what I saw. It felt like this was becoming a little repetitive. I always hung around Flickr and discovered Light painting. It just seemed like a bit of fun and seemed like it opened up a bigger realm of possibilities. I started playing around with different lights and stuff. One night I was just swinging around a light on the end of a piece of string and bingo, an orb came from it. I just felt connected straight away.

How this project has changed your life?

The Ball of Light has changed my life in many ways. Firstly I have developed a deep connection with my surroundings. I am lucky enough to go searching for the Ball of Light in some wonderful places. I live in South Australia which is one of the most beautiful and varied parts of Australia. I get to spend time alone with nature, feeling complete and total isolation which allows me to be completely at one with myself. This is so important to me now.

I also find the amazing amount interaction I get to have with people from all over the world has opened my eyes a lot. I am also starting to travel a bit with my photography. I am off to Germany in a few weeks and will be shooting up in the alps. I never dreamed that i would be traveling this far, and because of my photography is just mind blowing.

My life has changed in positive ways because of this work, I am sure of that!

Would you like to describe the creative work process behind 'Ball of light'? What tools do you use?

Interesting question. I am asked constantly about the "tools I use" when talking about the Ball of Light. It is this simple. I spin a light on the end of a piece of string. I use a tripod and a camera, and Bulb mode. BUT the most important tools I use are my feet, my eyes and some warm clothes! There is absolutely no secret to what I use or do. The thing I like to encourage is the use of the legs. Get out and walk around. Find a location that is going to look really nice in a photo without the light painting in it. Be creative with the composition. Be creative with the location. Don't stress about the shape, or color. Practice making a nice image.

I now focus more on the location than anything. And the wonderful thing is that with all photography you can make a sweet photograph from almost anything, and in any location. It would be easy to make a badly composed and exposed image of the Grand Canyon! But a well thought out photo of a quarry can be equally as stunning.

Let's have a rapid fire:

Which camera are you using currently?

5dmk2, 450d.

One camera accessory you can't do without?


Your favorite weather for photography?

Clear night FULL MOON.

Your favorite location for photography?

On the beach.

Your dream location for photography?

Amongst the temples in Egypt (one day!).

One line that keeps you going?

Go Hard!

Who/what is your greatest strength?

My incredible wife who gives me endless encouragement (and deals with all the stuff I can't/won't)

Share your fondest memory with this project.

Being at Lake Mungo with the Ball of Light near an ancient Aboriginal Fire Pit carbon dated to 65,000 years wondering what they would have thought.

Share the best compliment you've ever received for your work.

That short film encouraged someone to make change in there life.

What would you like to advise a budding photographer?

Get out, pick up a camera and have a go. Spend time on and around groups on sites like Flickr. There you will see a myriad of styles and types of photography. Something will grab your eye. Have a go, because with a basic camera and some keenness, you can do anything you want!

And a final word for our readers?

In this age of complete and total information overload where we are constantly staring at the bright rectangle you are now we are so disjointed from nature and the world that surrounds us. Photography has opened my eyes. Made me look inside and try to be a better person. I have connected with the land, the universe (because it look unbelievable at 3am in the country side) and with myself. By doing so I have reconnected with the ones I love.

I never discuss my work without mentioning my wife Kyrie. She is the strength behind my photography. She manages the website, shop, media and me! Without strength through the hard times in my life, and now with my photography I would be a mess!

Denis, it was really refreshing talking to you. You're an inspiring artist and your artwork is incredible! Thank You for being with us!

Check out DenisSmith.com.au.
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