"Inspiration and genius--one and the same" - Victor Hugo. I think it is a perfect quote for Christian Jackson, a web designer who found his inspiration from fairy tales and designed splendid Fairy Tale Posters. We all are so much in love with the tales we have grown with but hardly we realize it. Thanks to Christian who has brought all those sweet memories back!
"My design approach is intelligently simple and organized. I structure my layouts rigidly and break the rules when I have to", shares the artist.
After featuring his work, I couldn't really resist contacting him for an interview with us. Catch it below with some of his applauding work:
Christian, let's start with a brief introduction of yours.
Well there is so much I suppose but none of it is really interesting. I'm just "some guy" honestly. I'm a new father of two. We just had our second child on August first. I work as an Interactive Designer for a Med Ed company in Chicago. I'm absolutely obsessed with design and concept of beauty. But in the same breath I'm the type of guy who likes to cut through all the B.S. and get straight to the point, which translates quite literally in my work.
What influences the designer within you?
Ha! You kind of make it sound like a super power. I'm can't say that I'm not inspired by other design because I definitely am. However I find the majority of my inspiration in places and things that lack design. There is no better place for creativity to cling to than in areas that are void of it. For me creativity carries connotations of care and quality, so when I notice an absence of creativity, my own creative inspiration tends to come from a place of nurturing and sympathy. It's a particular "care" for the space or object.
Have you always wanted to become a designer?
Not at all. I grew up creating things. Drawing painting etc. But unlike an artist, it was never an expression of anything. I just liked making stuff. To compliment my creative side I also have a very technical and analytical dimension that obsesses over how things work. It wasn't until collage that I figure out what I wanted to be, when I flunked out of art school and wasn't accepted to any academic institutions. Design is a wonderful amalgamation of both worlds. It's where form meets function and
that seems to be where my brain works the best.

Did you take any formal training is designing or is it something that comes naturally to you?
A little bit of both I suppose. School taught me how design functions, but I brought my own form to the table.
Tell us about your 'Children's Story Posters'. How did you conceive such a creative idea?
My life was thrown in very childish direction when I became a father a little over 2 1/2 years ago. I guess this series was my way of releasing some of that energy creatively. I can't really say that I "decided on children's stories" my lifestyle pretty much demanded it. I saw a lot of minimalist posters for movies and TV shows which was very intriguing. I wanted to try it for myself, but the only thing I could relate to at the time were the children's stories I was reading to my daughter.
Why did you choose only Fairy Tales?
It was the only thing I had inspiration for.
You convey so much through so little? Would you like to share your thought process with us?
I'd like to tell you that I had some sort of genius process but there was none. It was all very impulsive. As I curated a list of children's stories images would pop in my head and I would lay them out. I think I created the entire series in under a week. When the creative flow comes that fast and easy I have to run with it since it doesn't happen like that very often.
Which is the next series you're planning to work on or already working on?
I actually have started a new series. It's called SOLAR. It's a series that studies the aesthetics of the planets in our system with my added perspective of how each one makes me feel. Not educational, just fun and hopefully pretty. It's a long work in progress. I don't have kind of time I use to have now that we have a new baby in the house. I actually tweeted a few samples a while back I guess you'll have to follow @square_inch on twitter to see more (shameless plug).
Which is your favorite designer (of course other than yourself)? ;)
Self-respecting Designers everywhere are probably going to cringe when I say this, but I'm not really up on my design history or active design celebrities. There is a lot of greatness out there. Even if I were well versed it would seem silly to try and choose one.
Is there any dream project of yours?
To be honest all I ever wanted to do was to create things that I love and that other people enjoy. I don't want to solve any major design problems or uncover hidden emotions through my work that you never knew you had. I just want to make people smile. I believe that you should only fill your life with things that are beautiful or useful. If what I make accomplishes either of those two feats, then I'm happy. Perhaps the success of this series will help to make that fantasy a reality.
What message do you have for our readers?
Of all the things you can acquire in life nothing is more valuable than a chair with good "ass bologna" (where your ass sit ergonomically below your knees). I kid of course… but not really because a good chair is hard to come by. I guess I would just love to say thank you for all the support and
encouragement as this series makes its debut. I am deeply flattered and humbled that so many folks enjoy my work.
Christian, thanks for talking and sharing your views with us. We look forward to more awesome projects by you and we wish you all the best for them.
Check out his website.
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