This is a Guest Post by Nisha Sandhu. Nisha is the editor at WhoIsHostingThis.com that aims to publish honest and useful hosting reviews. She loves to write and gives online businesses advice to new and growing businesses. Visit her site to check out the latest Go Daddy Reviews.

WordPress is a popular choice for bloggers as it is highly customizable and can be easily incorporated into existing websites. But before you start your own blog, take the time to consider which of the many hosting options is best for you.

What Is Your Blog For?

First, ask yourself what is the primary function of your blog is going to be. There can be many reasons for both individuals as well as businesses to blog, including:

• meeting and connecting with people who share common interests.

• having an open forum to discuss news and ideas.

• keeping customers in the loop with up-to-date product information.

• driving traffic to a business website by providing fresh, organic content.

Whatever your reason for blogging is, you should choose a host that meets both your needs and level of technical skills.

User-Friendly Hosts

The easiest way to install WordPress is through their One-Click Installation. If you’re uncomfortable with handling a lot of files or are unfamiliar with database creation, there are many web hosts that offer the One-Click option. Familiar names include GoDaddy and Hostgator, but also there are sites optimized for WordPress hosting, like WPWebHost and GreenGeeks. With One-Click, you simply fill out a few forms and let the host do the rest of the work for you.

Hosting For Advanced Users

WordPress has a lot more to offer to those users who are more experienced. Familiarity with CSS and web design opens up a whole new world of possibilities. You can even build your entire website using WordPress as a platform. If you know what you’re doing, you can take control of your WordPress installation with these hosts:

• iPage, a hosting company that offers $25/year blog-specific hosting.

• Laughing Squid, a small, independently-owned host for creative bloggers, nonprofits, and small businesses.

• Blue Host, recommended by WordPress and boasting packages with unlimited disk storage and bandwidth.

These and other blog-friendly hosting services allow you to unleash your inner creativity and make use of the many features of WordPress with little restriction.

Don’t Overdo

Whether you need simple or advanced installation, keep in mind what your blog is for as per your browser hosting options. If your blog is going to be a small one or probably a personal page and you don’t want to waste money on a hosting package then an E-commerce business would suit you better. On the other hand, don’t sell your business shortly if you plan to use your blog as a marketing tool. The right host should fill all your needs without a lot of extra bells and whistles so that you can blog without hassle.

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