When Facebook Photo Zoom extension came along, it became an instant hit and till date it is one of the most popular Facebook extensions. An extension that lets you view original size of images by simply hovering your mouse over it. I've got so used to this extension that Facebooking without it seems empty and boring.

And now that Google+ is in the block, developers all over the world are working on creative extensions to enhance our Google Plus experience. One such developer is Sebastian Mauer who created Photo Zoom for Google+.

In midst of Google+ vs. Facebook face-off, Twitter seems to have taken a back seat. But not for Seth Ladd who has created an interesting Google+ extension: Tweets+.

Google Plus Photo Zoom

A simple extension that provides fast and seamless photo viewing experience on your Google+ stream. Images posted on Google+ are fixed in size and only when you click on them will you be able to see the original size of the image. But through this extension, all you need to do is hover your mouse over any image, and it will instantly display the larger image, eliminating an extra step of visiting the image's link. A super handy extension!

"The extension needs access to the pages on plus.google.com to integrate the JavaScript necessary for zooming photos when you hover them. The extension operated entirely within the bounds of your browser and does not collect any information. All it does is looking up the URL of the enlarged pictures."



Like I said, in the midst of Facebook & Google+ face off, Twitter seems to have taken a back seat. But not for Seth Ladd who has found a way to bring Google+ on Twitter through his Tweets+ extension that lets you +1 tweets. +1 seems to be the new 'Like' button! (By the way, if you want you can also incorporate 'Like' button to your tweets).

"Adds the Google+1 Buttion to twitter.com (aka New Twitter). This extension lets you +1 tweets from your Twitter, plus see how many other +1's a tweet has received!" shares Seth. 


Please note, that as of now these extensions are available for Chrome only, and hopefully we will be able to find some interesting Google Plus add-ons for Firefox as well.

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If you have come across some interesting extension like these or have created or are planning create one, then do share them with us in the comment section below.

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2 Responses to 'Are You On Google+ Yet? Check Out These Must-Have Extensions: Photo Zoom & Tweets+'

  1. https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/are-you-on-google-yet-check-out-these.html?showComment=1310891801095#c3496252675513144219'> July 17, 2011 at 1:36 AM

    Thanks for sharing these extensions, can you add me to your circles gplus.to/btfb


  2. https://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2011/07/are-you-on-google-yet-check-out-these.html?showComment=1311000074472#c3506533766478575593'> July 18, 2011 at 7:41 AM

    Thanks for sharing these extensions, can you add me to your circles gplus.to/btfb


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