
John Locke is the first self-published writer who has sold more than 1 million eBooks through Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing Platform and has become the eighth author to become a member of Amazon's “Kindle Million Club.”

Locke has authored 7 international best-sellers (crime fiction), out which 'Saving Rachel', 'Wish List' and 'A Girl Like You' made it to top 3 in Amazon/Kindle Best Seller's List; all of his seven books have made it to this list. Other than his sensational writing, what makes Locke an outstanding author is that he follows a strict $0.99 pricing model. According to his website, “Every 7 seconds, 24 hours a day, a John Locke novel is downloaded somewhere in the world!”.

He has recently published a non-fiction book called, “How I Sold 1 Million eBooks in 5 Months” where he shares his experience of becoming a successful eBook author without any agents or literary publishers in the picture.

Locke follows a strict $0.99 per eBook strategy and earns 35 cents profit through Kindle Direct Publishing platform's 35% royalty program.

“Kindle Direct Publishing has provided an opportunity for independent authors to compete on a level playing field with the giants of the book selling industry,” shares Locke, further adding, “Not only did KDP give me a change, they helped at every turn. Quite simply, KDP is the greatest friend an author can have.”

Here's what Locke shared in a recent interview with Joe Konrath:

These days the buying public looks at a $9.99 eBook and pauses. It's not an automatic sale. And the reason it's not is because the buyer knows when an eBook is priced ten times higher than it has to be. And so the buyer pauses. And it is in this pause – this golden, sweet-scented pause – that we independent authors gain the advantage, because we offer incredible value.”

And now, Locke is working on selling movie rights for his Donovan Creed series.

John Locke, is an incredible example of successful self-published writer, a niche of writers that didn't even exist few years back. But thanks to digital books that aspiring authors can tell their stories without the roadblock of making it through a publishers office who would atleast consider reading his/her work.

Visit his website lethalbooks.com to learn more about John Locke and his best-seller thriller novels.

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