Full graphic below.
Guest blog post by Dave Landry Jr. 

We’ve come a long way since the invention of the printing press. And lots of mass publishing has moved online. With the advent of computers and word processing units, digital content publishing is just easier, with faster delivery times and a (potentially) wider reach.

All businesses should be publishing content, but a small business especially should become its own e-publisher. Take advantage of the digital revolution and optimize your use of online publishing platforms. Here’s how...

Social Media

Social media is one of the quickest and easiest forms of publishing your own business-related content. Having an active presence on platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow you to publish short bits of content at regular intervals along with photography or graphics. LinkedIn and Google+ also offer opportunities for publishing content from your company for the purposes of connecting with an audience.


Your website should definitely house a cache of published content. Your audience should be able to find information on your company in the form of:

      Press Releases
      Company Biographies and/or Mission Statements

Because your website is still the biggest first impression you can make on most of your target audience, it’s imperative to have established go-to content where individuals can quickly find the information they’re looking for about your products or services.


As previously mentioned, blogging is a necessary component of a stable of self-published content. The blog is the staple of sharing thoughts in contemporary times. As such, it’s recommended that your business have an official company blog to post blurbs on industry trends, specific happenings, or even random issues.

For a smaller business composed of just one or a few persons, a blog is a great way to run your business. Many self-publishers use platforms like Wordpress from which they publish regular content as well as conduct most of their business. A blog is a great way to increase transparency about your business, or engage in dialogue about your industry or craft.


Devices for reading books, or eBooks, have become extremely popular in the past five years. Not only do people use their mobile phones for reading e-books, they also purchase tablets and other e-reader devices for better accessing content on-the-go and at their convenience. Reflecting this boom in consumer preference, more people are publishing their own e-books for direct sale on merchant websites like Amazon.com.

Take a look at the evolution of publishing as portrayed in the infographic below. Users are accessing content in a variety of ways, and publishing themselves, as well.  What you learn about how people consume published material may surprise you!

You have to know your history to know where you're going! Here's how we got from stone tablets to code and graphics...

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1 Response to 'The Past, Present & Future of Publishing '

  1. E-junkie Said,
    http://e-junkieinfo.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-history-future-of-publishing.html?showComment=1426500603634#c3149592466209816695'> March 16, 2015 at 3:10 AM

    That was correct because technolgy evolves today, publishing is more easier and and just one click you can send it to other people wihout any hustle, Thank you for this post I learn a lot of things and idea that I will be use on to my article.


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