Instagram is undeniably one of the most successful apps created and has received much deserved appreciation from anyone who appreciates photography. Other than inspiring millions to take more and more photographs, Instagram is also responsible for inspiring many developers and aspiring entrepreneurs out there.

One such incredible example is Instaprint.me, a box that prints out Instagram images, taking you back to the good old days when Polaroid cameras used to be a fad. Creators of Instaprint like to call it a 'modern day photo booth'.

"Instagram has brought the nostalgia of old Polaroid prints back to modern day, but deep down we all still miss the uniqueness of those square little photos you'd hold comfortably in your hand. So, we made Instaprint." shares New-York based agency, 'Breakfast', creator of Instaprint.

This is how it works:

Each Instaprint box is programmed to automatically detect a specific location or hashtag which can be selected by the user. Location or hashtag can be selected at the time of setting up the box, and as and when an Instagram user tags his/her photograph, Instaprints' cloud servers detect that image and send it to the box, which is then printed using 'inkless technology' called Zink.

Inkless technology doesn't need any cartridges, the appropriate colors come from the paper itself,

Instaprint only needs a Wi-Fi connection to work. Such a product can turn out to be quite successful at events or parties where people can specify a hashtag, or more conveniently a location.

Have a look at this video that was created by the founders of Instaprint for their Kickstarter project:

The only challenge faced by Instaprint is the cost factor, although the demand is definitely there, but according to the creators of Instaprint, "price point currently isn’t where it needs to be for this to really take off." Therefore, currently they are focusing on rental of Instaprint for various events.

Visit www.instaprint.me to learn more about this innovative product.

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