Kaitlyn Trigger who is the girlfriend of Mike Kreiger, co-founder of Instagram has created an app called Lovestagram. Before I tell you what this app is all about, I want to tell you the story behind it.
Kaitlyn, a political science major and marketing director with Rally.org has been with Mike for about two and a half years now. One day Kaitlyn (who always wanted to get a better understanding of Mike's work) decided to surprise her boyfriend with an ultimate Valentine's day gift, an app that uses Instagram's API to create interactive Valentine's day cards.
She learnt everything about coding and designing right from scratch. She began studying code in Fall 2011, and kept this as a well-hidden secret from Mike. She learnt Python, Django, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Jinja and even PhotoShop. "Learning to program isn’t the hard part. The biggest challenge is figuring out how all the moving parts of a web application fit together. There’s no book for that" she said.
Although she wanted to build the app entirely by herself, but like any other programmer out here, she faced a challenge when it came to getting rid of couple of bugs. So, she finally decided to take Mike's help, "Mike was really delighted when he realized I was learning code and I had to fend him off a little." shares Trigger, "I really did want to build this myself."
Even though she took Mike's help, she never unveiled the exact details and as to when she plans to launch it. But when she did, I bet Mike must have felt real proud of her. Here's what she shared with TechCrunch, "Mike was really touched, his support throughout this whole process has really been a gift. Tolerating me when I’ve been cranky. But the fact that we have one more thing in common is the bigger gift.”
So now, let me tell you a bit about Lovestragram.
It is a free photo sharing application that uses Instagram's API to create slideshow of photos shared between two people, these images are pulled out on the basis of mutual username tags, same location or comments exchanged. All you need to do is, login to Instagram and enter the username of that special person, and the app will do the rest by using beautiful Valentine template designed by Kaitlyn.
Other than Valentine, Kaitlyn plans to expand Lovestagrams reach by adding holidays, birthdays or anniversaries. So head over to Lovestagram and give this lovely token of love a try.
Also, do check out our collection of nerdy Valentine's day cards for the geek in you.

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