It is a highly useful software that changes the color of your computer screen in accordance to the time of the day.
Most computer monitors are designed in such a way that the brightness of your screen is compatible with the daylight. But when the sun sets, the brightness remains the same, and it is needless to say that this results in straining your eyes heavily. Your body is automatically programmed to adjust itself to different lighting during the entire day, but when you strain yourself in front of the computer at 12am or 3am, it results in a lot of stress and restless sleep. Its like glaring at the sun at night.
You might argue, that you can always adjust the brightness of your screen, but F.lux is designed to adjust the color temperature of your screen. Even Macbook's ambient light sensor measures the brightness of the light in your room, and adjusts the screen accordingly, but F.lux is designed to change the color of your screen based on the light in your room and time of the day.
It is a nifty little software that uses your network's geo-location to detect the time and sets the lighting accordingly. Once you have installed the software, you can completely forget about it, it does all the work in the background without you even knowing about it.
"F.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again. Tell F.lux what kind of lighting you have, and where you live. Then forget about it. F.lux will do the rest, automatically." shares the website.
Here's a scientific explanation of how color temperature works:
"The term color temperature is a way to numerically describe how much red or blue light is illuminating a room. Color temperature is measured in Kelvins, and is determined by the kind of light you're using. Confusingly, warmer (more red) light sources are described in lower degrees Kelvin. Compared to indoor lighting, daylight is cool - very blue. A candle is around 1800K, while a sunny day might be 6000K. An overcast day is more blue, so it might be around 7000K.
Most computer monitors display around 6500K. If you are using incandescent task lights behind your computer, those are around 3000K."
In the beginning you might have a little hard time getting used to the whole change in colors on your screen, but trust me, with time you won't even notice the change. Except for the fact, that you will have a good night sleep and your eyes will thank you for it.
F.lux is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and even your iPhone or iPad. They are still working on the Android version. You can download this for free, but all those who have used this software are more than willing to pay the goodfellas behind this very useful software. Here's what some of the users had to say in the comment section:
- "You guys saved my life...this nighttime brightness is just wrecking my eyes...Thank you so much!" - Austin
- "I'd love you to put a donate button on this page. Please, allow us to pay you for this if we want to. $10 from a bunch of people would surely make your life a little better?" - John
- "This is one of the only programs I can claim changed my life. The eye strain was horrible before flux, thank you. Also, I would pay money to have this on Android" -Rashad
- "I dont know how to thank the creater of this enough i do alot of gaming and i used to get headaches when i downloaded this it was so nice to be able to look at the screen without it hurting my eyes its such a great adjustment its so great i couldnt live with out it now" - Jimmy
So, head over to F.lux website, and do your eyes a huge favor. Also, do share your views or feedback in the comment section below.
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I have been using F.lux for probably 6 months now, and I love it! At first the yellowing of my screen took some getting used to, but now I don't even notice it. For grins I just turned it off, and my eyes were non too happy (it is 8 pm and dark out).
Not sure if it helps me sleep better at night (don't think so), but it definitely strains my eyes less at night.