Dreamtime Alarm Clock is created by a design studio, Vera Wiedermann, who have built its beautiful mechanism using copper, glass, cord and water that plays melodic chimes in the morning.

Rather than being woken by annoying beeps or rings, Dreamtime Clock (which has no snooze feature) wakes you with soothing sounds and a fresh mind. The alarm is set by filling one of the containers with water, this water slowly drips into a bowl placed below it. Once the water is emptied, making the container lighter, a hammer is released which makes the alarm go off.

Check out this demo:

"Social conventions are defined by time and success. Every day, we are pressured to complete many different tasks. This daily rhythm ignores our need to sleep, and yet it is sleep that makes this rhythm possible. We need to pay closer attention to sleep.
By filling the alarm clock with water, we focus our attention on the duration of sleep. The task itself becomes a ritual which positively influences our rest. As opposed to the incessant ticking sound of a regular clock, here time passes silently and purely mechanically. As the drops of water fall, the glass bowl becomes lighter and finally lets the hammer fall. As the tone bounces between the singing bowls, we are gently awakened and a new day begins.
Time is something hard to grasp, but sleep is an experience."


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