
Thanks to technology, in coming years paper will be remembered as fondly as we remember hand written letters these days. Some of us may consider actual newspapers obsolete, but when it comes to content curation most of us prefer it in a newspaper format.

Twitter is considered to be a great resource for news and real-time updates, but the amount of information overload tends to become overwhelming at times. 

Therefore Edouard Lambelet and Iskander Pols co-founded Paper.li, an intuitive web based application that presents Twitter feed in a newspaper format with headlines, articles and images; it also lets you create a customized newspaper for Facebook.

"The company is focused on facilitating the discover of relevant content and other people of interest on the web." they say.

Paper.li creates a newspaper-style presentation of the most popular posts tweeted by those whom you follow on Twitter. So, instead of going through every tweet or missing out on important tweets you can view the most popular links as a newspaper on your screen. Not only can you create you very own newspaper, but also invite others to read yours, you can tweet about it too; furthermore you can follow other paper.li users. You can sign-up using either your Twitter or Facebook account. 

Creating Your Newspaper

Sign-up through your Twitter or Facebook account. 

Once  you are signed-in, paper.li presents you options for crafting your personal newspaper. You have three options (apart from Facebook newspaper and customized Twitter newspaper, which are still being experimented):

-You can create your newspaper using your Twitter username, in which your paper will consist of all the links shared in past 24 hours by you and people you follow. 

-You can create your newspaper using hashtags, in which your paper will consist of all the links associated with that particular hashtag.

-You can also create your newspaper using @list, in which your paper will consist of all the links of users selected in that list. 

You can also try their Facebook paper, wherein you have to provide a title for the newspaper and a couple of keywords. The keywords that you provide will pull all matching public posts on Facebook, be it links, images or videos. 

Click on create or publish paper and wait for few minutes (even though the website asks for several minutes). In the meanwhile, enjoy a nicely presented animation of a rolling press printing your newspaper. 

And voilĂ , your very own newspaper is up and running. Bookmark this page which automatically updates every 24 hours. You can also add other publications to 'my favorites' section. 

Now let's take you through your newspaper and see what all you can do with it...

As you can see in the image above, on the right corner, the number of views and subscribers is displayed along with two buttons 'Subscribe' allowing visitors to subscribe to your newspaper instantly and 'Embed' button which allows you and your visitors to display the content or widget of the paper on a blog or website through the code generated by them. 

You can also add an editor's note, consider it as a 'about us page' or 'website description' for your newspaper. At this point I would like to add that Edouard and Iskander have done a splendid job with the designing of paper.li, an easy to read and amazingly authentic newspaper-like layout for the web. 

In the image below, I have pointed out two important features incorporated in your newspaper, first is a little box for Twitter stream that displays all your latest tweets and clicking on 'join the conversation' link will take you directly to your timeline on Twitter. Other very impressive and handy feature is a dedicated section for 'Media' where videos are embedded and can be viewed very conveniently within the same page. So all the videos shared by people through tweets are consolidated here. 

Each article in the newspaper has a thumbnail (avatar) displaying the source of the tweet, if you hover your mouse on this thumbnail, it will present you with the original tweet and also allows you to directly reply, retweet, follow, unfollow or favorite within the same box. 

It is important to note that you can't read the entire article within your newspaper, you can read few characters of the article and if it interests you, clicking on the headline of the article will take you to the original post. 

Once you have created your newspaper, paper.li lets you share it with your friends. You can either choose to automate tweets, which will send out a tweet about your paper every time it is updated. You can change the frequency of updates to daily, morning and evening editions or weekly editions. You can also customize the exact time when you wish your paper to be published on the web. 


Personally, I feel that it is a great web application for content curation where I can save hell lot of time and have mercy on my eyes by viewing a neatly designed website that lets me see what I want to see...rather what I should see. (thanks to their intuitive interface). But there is just one complain I have with paper.li, that like every tangible newspaper, it too is filled with advertisements which can be annoying at times. Other than that, it sure is worth a try.

Check it out and do share your views or feedback with us.

This is an updated post, much detailed as opposed to our previous post on paper.li.

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