I've been hearing and ignoring Evernote for quite a while now, before realizing that it's high time that I give up my sticky notes and endless 'forgotten' list on my notepad and give this nifty application a try.  

As its tagline says "Remember Everything", Evernote is an application for all devices and systems that lets you capture and synchronize information as per your requirements. 

You can gather and save all kinds of notes or information, you can capture images from your mobile phone and instantly save it for later; you can save web sites and clip images from your browser; other than creating to-do lists you can also save a voice memo for  your self and you can also sync your Twitter account with Evernote, send and save the tweets you like. Here's an overview of all that you can do with this highly recommended application:

It works with Windows, Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Android and almost all devices that you can think of. Unfortunately it does not have a desktop version for Linux users, but they can always use browser extension or add-ons. 

Once you download Evernote, it will take you to the registration page for creating a free account. The biggest advantage with Evernote is that you can create a note from one device and access it from any other. 

Here's a demo video of how you can use Evernote:

Evernote offers free account which is limited to 60MB upload per month and lets you synchronize images, audio files, ink and PDF; whereas their premium account costs $5 a month and $45 per year. The premium account comes with 1GB uploading limit and lets you synchronize any type of file. 


  • Evernote lets you upload text and voice messages. You can capture images directly from your phone and add them to your notes. 

  • You can clip any web page or content and add it to Evernote; you can also include you own text notes to these clips. 

  • You can add tags to these notes and save them in folders, thereby organizing everything that you would like to remember. 

  • You can create different notebooks with specific type of notes of your choice for each of these notebooks. 
  • Evernote can help you get rid of bookmarking tools or apps, to-do lists (both actual and virtual), read later links; even filing documents and keep them tagged and well organized. 
  • For mobile users, its a great tool 'coz there are so many things that you come across on-the-go and think...'i could use that'...'i'm gonna buy that someday'....'dude, I need to remember the name of this wine' and endless other things. Take a pic of things you want to be reminded of, add a note and Evernote will automatically save it for you to see later. I keep a separate file to store images and sometimes text of all funny quotations or sign posts that I come across. 
  • You can add voice notes to the notes that you save on Evernote. 

  • It also lets you tag your notes by location.  

  • You can email these notes and also import email attachments. 

  • It also lets you save tweets that you deem to be useful or interesting. You can also send yourself a quick note from Twitter. Here's demo video explaining how it works:

Apart from these basic points, there is much more to Evernote, I'm just starting to get used to it. One complain I have with Evernote is that it has so many features and uses, that it can get mind boggling for new users. I hope they come up with a detailed and simplified get started guide for Evernote. Other than that, its a great management tool and every user has its own strategy, purpose and benefits from it.

Do check out their "Trunk" section which has all applications, hardware and notebooks that can enhance your Evernote experience.

"Our goal at Evernote is to give everyone the ability to easily capture any moment, idea, inspiration, or experience whenever they want using whichever device or platform they find most convenient, and then to make all of that information easy to find. 
And we've done just that. From creating text and ink notes, to snapshots to white-boards and wine labels, to clips of webpages, Evernote users can capture anything from their real and digital lives."

Do give this app a try and let us know how useful you find it to be. For those who are already familiar with it, we would love to hear your views, inputs, tips or opinions. You can share them in the comment section below.

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