Now that Christmas is over and that magical time of good food, divine wine, mouth watering sweets, wonderful presents, beautiful snow, nostalgic carols and that vibrant red color will return after a year. Most of us are thrilled and looking forward to enjoying our gifts, but some of us still have no clue what to do with those unwanted gifts which are lying somewhere half unwrapped in our closets.

A research by eBay highlights that more than half of us will end up receiving unwanted Christmas presents. According to eBay, there will be 19 million unwanted gifts in Australia this year and that around 1 million of them will be sold. "Assuming you don't feel guilty about selling that item, eBay also calculates that average selling price is around $76."

So here are few interesting services available online that help others sell, swap or donate unwanted Christmas gifts. 

Sell them online

I'm sure that when one thinks of selling online the first few options that one thinks of are sites like eBay, Amazon or Craigslist. But here's another site that provides a service wherein users can simply enter product details, decide the price, post it and receive cash in return. Be careful though, you don't want your loved ones looking at their gifts on sale; perhaps you can use a pseudo name. 

Swap It With Someone

For those who don't feel comfortable with selling their Christmas gifts, might consider swapping them with someone. 'Our Swaps' helps its users swap, barter, trade or exchange their gifts; they charge $1 per swap. One can also sell their stuff through them. 

You Can Also Swap Clothes If You Want

Ladies have a hard time coming in terms with an unwanted gift, 'Big Wardrobe' provides a service where one can swap clothes that don't fit with someone who is perfect for it, or perhaps a shoe or a bag that is just not your type.  

Exchange books

Like many book lovers I am very particular about the book I read and all of them just cannot be my cup of tea. Book Mooch is an interesting site that lets its user "Give books away. Get books you want." A service that lets you list the books that you want to give, receive requests from others, and earn points for every book that you give and receive one for yourself in exchange of those points. There is no registration fees, users have to bear the cost of mailing a book to others. One can also consider giving their points for charity which is used to buy books for children or donate them in libraries.  

You can also consider giving your books for charity through a project called "Give Books Give Smiles" which provides children books to underprivileged kids in India. Learn More.

Stuff That You Can Recycle

Recycle Now is a website that offers tips and ideas on how you can recycle various stuff that you are left with post Christmas. They have some great ideas on how you can recycle things like, juice cartons, greeting cards, wrapping paper, wine bottles, clothes, shoes, food and much much more. 

Your Bad Gift Can Be Good For Someone Else

A gift that is bad for someone could turn out to be good for someone else, this website does just that by featuring 'Bad Gifts'. Now, all gifts may not be all that good...for example there is a bottle of ketchup featured out there which was gifted to someone by his grandmother. One can either look for such gifts or feature one of their own, those interested in getting one of those bad gifts for oneself can simply email the person who wishes to get rid of 'em. 

Don't Want To Sell? Rent Them Online

A marketplace that lets you lend or rent stuff online. 

Do You Sometimes Think About Re-gifting? 

Although many frown about this idea, but one can't rule out the fact that re-gifting has become a common practise...as long as it is done the right way! "Whether you are a fan or foe, re-gifting has become a phenomenon." is how the website puts it. They've also brought in a humorous angle to it by bringing few laughs through re-gifting and even 'mis-gifting' horror stories. 

Be Generous This Christmas & Give Your Unwanted Gifts To Charity

A gift may be useless to you, but remember that there are many who can't even imagine receiving a single gift during Christmas. Rather than piling your gifts away somewhere in the closet or selling them for few bucks why not live up to Christmas spirit and give it to someone in need? Freecycle.org does just that, a site that started in Tuscon Arizona as a local service delivering stuff to various non-profits has managed to spread its wings in 85 countries. "Thousands of local groups representing millions of members-people helping people and changing the world one gift at a time. The amounts to five times the height of Mt. Everest in the past year alone, when stacked in garbage trucks!" describes the site. 

Sell Them On Your Blog, Website or MySpace Page

E-junkie team offers 'Fat Free Cart', a free shopping cart that works inside your blog, website or MySpace page by simply copy-pasting the cart without any installation or registration. Learn More

If you wish to learn about more interesting websites and services like mentioned above, then do join us on Facebook or subscribe to our blog and let us bring that information to you.
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