Twitter is undoubtedly the most popular micro-blogging website and one of the most effective social media tool for marketing your business. In mere 140 characters you can connect to a large chain of individuals. Therefore it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to leverage this remarkable online platform for communication and conversation.
When it comes to promoting yourself through Twitter, many fall into the trap of tweeting without thinking. It is important not only to market your business but build brand and community through intelligent strategies and sensible tweeting.
Below are some very simple tips that help you in using Twitter effectively for your small business:
1. Learn What People Are Saying
If you are one of those who blindly tweets without learning what others are saying about your business, then it is high time that you re-consider your marketing strategy on Twitter. You must be aware of what people are ;saying, not only related to your business but also to your niche; remember it is an interactive platform. You can use applications like search.twitter.com to search for tweets related to certain keywords, you can also register with Tweetbeep that will send you emails whenever someone mentions you company's name or a word/phrase that you choose to be informed about.
2. Intelligent Tweets
You may want to let people know about what you're eating or when you're sleeping, but don't go tweeting about your daily routine all the time. Sure such tweets adds the element of personalization but then again, too much of it becomes irritating for your followers. Also, if you continuously go bragging about your business, it will seem as a spam. Therefore, tell something that people can use for their good, only then will they trust you, follow you and actually listen to what you are saying.
3. Converse and Interact
Conversing is the key to marketing your business on Twitter, don't just talk at people, interact with them. Reply to tweets, retweet if you like something and let them know that you are a part of a community not an individual entity blabbering about a product or service that they have to offer. Remember, it is a social network. Apart from talking about yourself, you also aim at sharing interesting links which will not only win you followers but also retweets for your self, thereby expanding your reach. You can check out this Twitter Dictionary to have a better understanding of Twitter lingo.
4. Be Generous And Promote Others
This is another very effective marketing strategy where apart from promoting yourself, you can let your followers know about other businesses or individuals that you appreciate. This way you not only help others but also have a very bright chance of them promoting you to their followers as well. As I said before, Twitter is a massive online community, people love to learn and tweet about others (ignoring many self-centric souls).
5. Thanking Those Who Follow You
Even though Twitter is a public forum, it still gives you an option of sending direct messages to your followers. It is advisable to send thank you messages to those who follow you, it not only makes you a better person but lets them know that you actually care about your followers. But, it would be achingly time consuming to send notes to each of them individually. This is where automated messages comes to the rescue, all you have to do is create a template automate it send it to your new followers. Try using TwitterDMer, it not only automates your messages but also lets you customize specific details like website, name or location of your follower.
These are fundamental tips for promoting your business on Twitter, we will be coming up with some quick tips that make Twitter one of the best marketing platform for your business. Until then...keep reading and feel free to share your Twitter expertise with us. :)
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Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated. :)