Twitter has recently launched a new account called @earlybird that will focus on promoting various discounts, deals, previews, coupons or events.
Finally this micro-blogging site has decided to step into E-commerce not only to promote various retailers or merchants but also to generate some revenue by partnering with selective advertisers.
@earlybird is a time-bound deal account that will feature tweets based on the terms determined by their advertising partners. All those who are in a lookout for such offers have to simply follow this account, although selection process for advertisers is unclear but one can always suggest product/event by simply leaving a @reply in this account.
Currently they are offering deals only for users in U.S. but Twitter has promised to include more countries once their @earlybird crosses its initial phase and are also planning on adding location-based deals in the future.
"As with other forms of advertising from Twitter, we are focused on bringing value to our users and will keep your interests in mind as we develop this program." announced Twitter on their blog. Within a short period time, @earlybird has already managed to grab 18,979 followers.
This new service is bound to force similar services like Woot, Groupon or Gilt to reconsider their strategies; provided @earlybird proves itself to be equally resourceful.

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