Cecilia Levy has a love affair with paper, she loves to create delicate and beautiful objects out of old books. She has an incredible talent of combining three different professions: graphic designing, bookbinding and illustrations.

After teaching graphic designing at College of Arts & Crafts in Gothenberg, she decided to get into an art form that requires hand work, therefore she started studying bookbinding. And today, other than creating these beautiful and intricate teacups, she teaches bookbinding to art and design students in Sweden and holds workshops for graphic designers and illustrators. Her teacups are a huge hit in many exhibitions around Sweden, let's have a look at some of them below:

Thank you Shivani for letting us know about Cecilia's artwork. 

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2 Responses to 'Cecilia Levy's Pretty & Delicate Tea Cups Made From Recycled Book Pages'

  1. Swati S. Said,
    January 5, 2012 at 9:14 PM

    Did you see the beautiful art she makes on left over hardback covers?


  2. Ejunkieblog Said,
    January 8, 2012 at 11:33 PM

    Yes we did, did you check out her coffee art as well? It's quite interesting!

    We are trying to get in touch with Cecilia to spare some time for an interview with us, so that we learn a lot more about her and her art. So, stay tuned Swati. :)


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